Yarisal & Kublitz

Ronnie Yarisal, born in 1981, Geneva, Switzerland.
Katja Kublitz, born in 1978, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Live and work in Berlin, Germany.
The duo Yarisal & Kublitz (living as a couple) play with symbols, language and all forms of our cultural heritage. Acting as anthropologists, they combine precious material (metals, precious stones, fine wood and banknotes) with more common and usual objects which thus acquire a sacred status (eggs, candy, toys, and utensils) – a practice somewhat close to goldsmithing. Their sculptures, with their perfect, delicate and attractive finishes, are disconcerting traps for our visual bearings.
By mixing religious traditions as well as New Age symbols with common everyday references and popular culture, the line between the sacred and the secular becomes blurry. Besides the many cascading dichotomies that are reflected down to the level of the very materiality of these items, all the objects seem physically kept in suspense, compacted and almost minimal, which lends them a kind of perplexing autonomy. They seem to be busy generating meaning, such as devices whose role is beyond us, machines made to capture the intangible.
Mahogany, oil
61 x 30 x 10 cm. / 24 1⁄4 x 11 3⁄4 x 4 in.