Remind Me What Your Secret Was

CHF 0.00


Oil on canvas

50.8 × 40.6 cm / 20 × 16 in.

©Chloe Wise

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Oil on canvas

50.8 × 40.6 cm / 20 × 16 in.

©Chloe Wise


Oil on canvas

50.8 × 40.6 cm / 20 × 16 in.

©Chloe Wise

I have bad taste in people but good taste in myself
CHF 0.00
Yours as much as you desire
CHF 0.00
Everyone is amazing I love everything
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I'm not supposed to hate the very rich, but I do connect with ghouls (Loreta)
CHF 0.00
Be able not to be able
CHF 0.00